Robbie McIntosh lives in Naples and his photography, in a nutshell, is based on the observation of human behavior and the way in which mankind relates to its environment. Robbie describes Naples as a place where things happen at a rate of knots. The words he uses are “fast” and “random”. He talks of slippery stoned streets, bottlenecked passageways, screaming vendors and an incessant hustle and bustle. Wisely, Robbie captures the majority of his subjects at the seaside, away from all the madness. In nothing but swimsuits, the locals suck down tobacco, shuck oysters and nibble Cambrian treats while they glaze in a multitude of vitamin D.
Although Robbie sees these regulars, regularly – he is cautious not to get too chummy. He says: “Of course, I’m close with them but I also believe every good photographer should never be too involved. Being a friendly, curious dancing ghost is much better.” His gaze is focused not only on the city center and its beaches, but also on the suburbs such as Scampia, Licola, Castel Volturno, and the entire vast Campania Hinterland.
His work is carried out exclusively on film, on small and medium format. In 2024 he has published his first book, "On The Beach", the result of in-depth work on people going to the public beaches in Naples (and beyond), started in 2012 and still (and perpetually) in progress.